In the mid 70’s I met a most extraordinary person, Flo Kennedy. She was one of those larger than life folks who dedicated her life to making the world better.
She was a lawyer and activist who graduated from Columbia University’s Law School.
We met when I was on my way to work at Black Rock on a day when Flo was having a rally outside of the building chanting “CBS take a stand, no more ads for the Kruger Rand.”
She took me aside and said ‘Sister, don’t you know that CBS is helping the South African government make money by selling their currency, the Kruger Rand.’ She explained how I was making money helping folks who were keeping Nelson Mandela in jail by working there.
During later conversations she schooled me on the evil of the electoral college as the key to the new American slave system.
As a hippie from the 60’s I was horrified at who I had become, a human in service to a plantation/corporation. My illusions of career were shattered. I was in violation of Gandhi’s basic law of being, “Do not participate in anything you believe is evil.” Her warning helped me save myself, which was her purpose.
Letting go made room for a much fuller life.
I question the timing of her death in December 2000, shortly after the first election of our current President of the United States. Maybe she died from a broken heart, seeing her warning come to pass. Based on results, she was right about the electoral college too.
Flo Kennedy, another soul that is now a spirit, not a ghost