Will one reporter please ask Rev. Dr. Wright what evidence does he have to support his claims, PLEASE. Then will Rev. Wright, after he speaks, pass the mic to Dr. Boyd Graves, and show the book and videos by Gary Webb and others who have researched extensively the subjects mentioned and ignored until now.
1. The government made AIDS and introduced it into the Black community as a form of genocide.
Best Reference: Dr. Boyd Graves has the information on the government and AIDS.
2. The government created crack and the urban gang system as a distribution arm for their Iran Contra slush fund.
Read Gary Webb's book Dark Alliance : The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion The gangs are still there and expanded all over the country.
The government said Gary Webb shot himself in the head, twice, after he wrote the book.
3. America's chickens have come home to roost.
We did kill innocent people, pollute our environment and have been cruel to our children, damnable actions to say the least.
There was a time in journalism when the truth counted for something. Now Job 1 seems to be shooting down the messengers, Like Rev. Wright, Dr. Boyd Graves and the late Gary Webb.
Our system is shattered and killing us. It's going to take truth to clean it up.
Let's get busy.