Monday, October 29, 2012

A Rose Bush That's Grown Taller Than A Tree

Gardner: Edward Martinez
Rose Bush Location 
5641 Homeside Ave.
(End of the block on the right hand side)
Los Angeles, CA

Living my 'touched by an angel' lifestyle, 
I witness many wonderful things that expand the word possible.  
Here's something beautiful and determined and strong, 
A Rose That's Grown Taller Than A Tree.

Mother Clara Hale of Hale House in Harlem was known for saying 'Look Up!'  It was a day when my friend Amy had to be rushed to a hospital and the EMT folks did not want to take her.  As Amy & the EMT crew pulled off, I looked up and saw a rose growing out of the top of a tree across the street.  The Los Angeles, CA homeowner is a  most amazing gardener and really great soul.  He  has been grooming this plant for about 15 years. Love is great.

My husband Sherwood Akuna and I took these pictures to share.  
In the meantime, some things are too precious not to share.  

The next time you think something is impossible, remember the reality of a rose bush that's grown taller than a tree.