Thursday, December 04, 2014

Two Serious Brain Seizures In 5 Months, This Healing Is Going To Be Fun

As Rev. Della Reese said on Touched By An Angel 'I can't wait to see how God is going to fix this mess!' Oh the healing possibilities.

[Quick note updates - Dec, 17, 2015. It's a year later and I'm still here, on one anti seizure medicine Levetiracetam and medical marijuana. Click here for the spring 2015 update slide show that has more information than this original story. Yes, my healing is fun. April 14, 2024 - I'm still here]

What's going on?

I am J. Nayer Hardin, founder of and a conductor on the Computer Underground Railroad. I'm 62 years old, lived a well, happy life of service, still working on being 100 years old when I grow up, if I decide to grow up then. I've been healthy my whole life until this year. 

On July 19, 2014 I had a grand mal seizure that resulted in 10 days in the hospital. I had one of those death experiences that Betty Eadie wrote about in Embraced By The Light. In November, 2014 I had a regular brain seizure, maybe as a result of the small brain tumor I was told I have that's probably benign and I will dissolve, or running out of Keppra while lost in the medical system. This last seizure only required just a few days in the hospital.  I should not have been surprised. In addition to the folks referenced in the video above who were healthy and are suddenly developing brain seizures and dying, there were the bald eagles in Utah who last year were reported to be suffering and dying from health issues including brain seizures.  

I got the confirmation 3 days before the brain seizure meds ran out so owing over $250,000 in medical debt, I am in no position to ask for more medical help in the event of another seizure. Who knew that when I was fighting for a single payer insurance plan I was fighting for myself.

If the love of my life, Sherwood Akuna was not with me both times I had seizures, I would probably be dead. He did not listen to me when I said all I wanted to do was lay down and I'd be all right. I was wrong. If my beloved sister Robin Hardin who flew from Detroit to Vegas did not demand that the doctors not put in a picc line, I suspect I'd be dead by now also. If my family/friends Esteban Granados, Chef Ashbell McElveen, Toni and Lloyd Hardin and Addie M. Miller had not shared financially, the journey would have been a lot rougher than it was. 

And of course, most importantly, I'm being held up by the blessing of angels and both folks I know and don't know who are praying for me. I am already the recipient of many miracles in this process. 

Being denied health coverage is one of those Catch 22 situations. I have been through so much since 1984 I can't remember my social security number, so the government has determined that I am to die by law. According to the United States government 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 435.913 and the state of Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) R9-22-1408, because I don't have picture ID, it is illegal for me to qualify for government emergency insurance.  I have a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, patent, corporate book, plenty of folks who can identify me including a large family and friends, job history, but that's not good enough. My government has determined I am unworthy of life though the only time I was arrested in my life was when I was under house arrest at an election because I made too much noise when I saw two democrats go into a voting booth with another democrat to tell him how to vote. Today they just would have shot me for making so much noise. 

Fortunately I am old enough to know that nothing is impossible, not even healing this cancer and stopping these brain seizures.  Everything happens for a reason so to the best of my ability this is not the exception to that rule. I'm going to have to fix this myself, maybe being able to help others dealing with the same situation. 

The first step in solving a problem is finding the root cause. I'm initially looking at Colgate Total toothpaste and/or the increased radiation levels from New Mexico, Fukushima and 20th century nuclear testing done in Nevada as at least part of the root causes of the seizures. 

Why? I've lived in in Lake Havasu City, Arizona since 2000 with the exception of 2 years when due to another family member's illness we had to be in Los Angeles to get her health care in place. LHC is between where the Carlsbad, NM nuclear waste accident happened in in February, 2014 and the Fukushima radiation that hit the west coast to the point where it could not be denied in July.  There are reports that though tuna caught off the west coast of California had Fukushima's radiation in them it's still safe. I don't eat animals or fish, vegetarian for almost 10 years, so I'm not saying it's the fish, just the radiation levels that should be considered, not assumed as having an impact on an otherwise healthy person.  

Add to that the nuclear testing that happened in the last century in Nevada and I should have seen it coming. I did write extensively about Fukushima but it was as though it was from a distance. Today, it does not seem so distant.

Above map from - Radiation Network

Prayer is helping me connect the dots revealing solutions in so many wonderful ways. As an old soul, whenever I get sick (a cold) or injured I look for the cause, remove it and heal by the technique which is best described by Niro Markoff, work with the Healer Within. It's how my brother friend Bernard Hirschenson and I created CompUrest, an armrest that got rid of my extensive computer injuries in 30 days. Back in the late 1980's I had every computer injury in the book except a brain tumor. My right arm was paralyzed twice, I lost my ability to walk once, and my body was in a constant state of upper body pain. Since the problem was stress, as in repetitive stress injuries, the solution was support. More than a quarter century later, the injuries never returned.

When the problem is too much radiation, the solution is to reduce the radiation levels to safe levels and heal the damage. Fukushima and other leaking nuclear facilities could be messing with life on an atomic level.

Here's a bit more research on possible causes. Please add / share your ideas.

1. I have been on computers about 40 years, full time since 1977. I've read about health problems from the old CRTs but this is a long time after that so this leads the secondary list of possible causes. I've also avoided cell phones.

5. Fallout from the Nevada nuclear testing sites during the last century.

One of the fun parts about being an inventor is understanding there is no need to re-invent the wheel, though many ways to modify it for greater use. 

So, what's the healing strategy?

"Once I learned I could do without, the rest was relatively easy' said Dr. E. K. Ross in her book The Wheel Of Life. Health is on the short list of things it is best not to do without.

The healing strategy I'm adapting is the one best described in Niro Markoff's book "Why I Survive AIDS", page 190 "God is the true healer. Healing is being whole with God." Niro has great techniques in her book on doing that.

I'll continue to ask for medical support and guidance while dealing with the reality of the day. I am blessed to know some really good souls in the medical community, like Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA, Historian, Humanitarian, Author so I have a person who I can ask the complex questions of, not to be confused with I can afford a neurologist, which is what I need for this process. Dr. Jeri Rose is also a great advisor of alternative and chiropractic medical disciplines. As a missionary I've already invested everything I had into my work, so I don't have money but I do have grace.

The initial response is in process. In addition to continue my studying A Course In Miracles book which I've been doing daily since it found me in 1985, to more prayer time to re-read / study more many of my favorite inspirational books like "Science and Health with Keys To The Scriptures", "Science Of Mind" and of course my childhood Holy Book, The Bible.

Worldly options I'm praying on based on past research as an activist for solutions are medical marijuana, Dr. Joel Wallach's vitamins & minerals, and MMS:

A. Cannabis. Of course my beloved Hemp For Victory: The Wonder Herb medical marijuana is part of the reason I stayed healthy most of my life. I'll be getting my card through Paul Stanford's THCF Medical Clinics - CRRH. Since the cause of the grand mal seizure is abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain, a solution of cannabis as a way to help manage electrical activity like it does with the emotions of love, belief, anger and fear. In addition to smoking, I'll be using some cannabis oil to get this healed fast.

B. Nutrition Dr. Joel Wallach's vitamins and minerals

His Youngevity vitamins are available here.

And for energy Xyngular, which is a nutritional supplement that also enhances mood and helps with weight loss.

C. MMS All Products - Jim Humble MMS Books and more: Master Mineral Solution, Secrets of Enlightenment, Reducing Radiation to Zero - JHBOOKS.ORG,

Being an activist/missionary does not necessarily come with financial benefits, so I'm adding strategies as I can afford it.  Yet, what the Bible calls periods of long suffering can produce great adventures and fabulous miracles for many folks, including me. 


I'll be posting updates on my healing and the heroes /sheroes who participate as it progresses. Though I wish it was not illegal for me to get the Keppra to hold me over and marijuana I need to heal, I'm determined to do the best I can to co-create my spontaneous remission and miracle healing.

Please post your thoughts / ideas in the comments box below or send me a Twitter or Facebook post.

I am overcoming this cancer seizure bitch now! Joy!  A December, 2018 update is posted, Epilepsy My Black Ass, Tech Fried, Cannabis Oil is Helping