Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Rose Bush That's Grown Taller Than A Tree

Gardner: Edward Martinez
Rose Bush Location 
5641 Homeside Ave.
(End of the block on the right hand side)
Los Angeles, CA

Living my 'touched by an angel' lifestyle, 
I witness many wonderful things that expand the word possible.  
Here's something beautiful and determined and strong, 
A Rose That's Grown Taller Than A Tree.

Mother Clara Hale of Hale House in Harlem was known for saying 'Look Up!'  It was a day when my friend Amy had to be rushed to a hospital and the EMT folks did not want to take her.  As Amy & the EMT crew pulled off, I looked up and saw a rose growing out of the top of a tree across the street.  The Los Angeles, CA homeowner is a  most amazing gardener and really great soul.  He  has been grooming this plant for about 15 years. Love is great.

My husband Sherwood Akuna and I took these pictures to share.  
In the meantime, some things are too precious not to share.  

The next time you think something is impossible, remember the reality of a rose bush that's grown taller than a tree.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Citizen Of Sun - Urb Brothers

I love my brothers Thomas and Tarmo Urb and will continue to do so way beyond the end of time.

They helped me find my tribe, humanity.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


In the 60's I use to run home from school to be in front of the television in time for Dark Shadows.

Thank you Tim Burton for the return of the all time best series ever in the history of television or movies.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Peter McWilliams Tribute and Dennis Peron on Two Hotheads with Cannabis

Uploaded by on Feb 4, 2012

Two Hotheads on Cannabis welcomes Julia the Curator of the Peter McWilliams online museum with Dennis Peron discussing the life and work of Peter McWilliams. Mrs. Mary McWilliams, the mother of Peter McWilliams calls in.

Later it's the news on a bothed FBI drug raid in Fitchburg and Presidential marijuana politics. The Two Hotheads orchestrating a debate featuring Roseanne Barr, Vermin Supreme, Ron Paul, and Gary Johnson.

And Simpson & Mike Cann's take on Dan Rea the "Voice of Reason" with WBZ's 1030 "Nightside" show which they are both frequent callers of. Cann loves "Nightside" and it's host, Simpson not so much.

Thursday, January 19, 2012